经世讲堂第七十三期 | “遇见新金融”师生沙龙之区块链应用研究(十五)



报告时间2022512(周四 8:00—1000

腾讯会议ID: 335-645-877

报告人:  尚广志(佛罗里达州立大学)

主办单位: 合肥工业大学经济学院


尚广志,美国佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)商学院副教授、运营管理博士,现任《Journal of Operations Management》和《Decision Sciences》的部门主编。尚教授主要从事消费者退货管理和服务劳工问题的研究,取得了非常优异的学术成果,在国际顶级期刊(如MIS Quarterly, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences等)上发表10余篇高质量学术论文。


Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency whose transactions are recorded on a distributed, openly accessible ledger. On the Bitcoin Blockchain, an owning entity’s real-world identity is hidden behind a pseudonym, a so-called address. Therefore, Bitcoin is widely assumed to provide a high degree of anonymity, which is a driver for its frequent use for illicit activities. This paper presents a novel approach for deanonymizing the Bitcoin Blockchain by using Supervised Machine Learning to predict the type of yet-unidentified entities.