

姓 名周志翔

职 称副教授
职 务
邮 箱zhixiangzhou@hfut.edu.cn
电 话

1. 本科生课程:金融科技前沿、管理学原理

2. 研究生课程:区块链技术基础、金融伦理与职业道德
研究领域1. 学科领域☆管理科学与工程
中国科学技术大学  管理科学与工程  硕博  2008.09 - 2014.07
安徽财经大学      统计学         本科  2004.09 - 2008.07

河海大学      讲师  2014.06-2016.07
合肥工业大学  讲师  2016.08-2018.12

合肥工业大学  副教授 2019.01-至今





1.   Wu, J., Zhou, Z., & Liang, L. (2010). Measuring   the performance of Chinese regional innovation systems with two-stage   DEA-based model. International   Journal of Sustainable Society2(1), 85-99.

2.   Wu, J., Zhou, Z., & Liang, L. (2010).   Measuring the performance of nations at Beijing Summer Olympics using   integer-valued DEA model. Journal   of Sports Economics11(5),   549-566.

3.   Tsai, H.,   Wu, J., & Zhou, Z. (2011).   Managing efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei using a DEA   model with non-discretionary inputs. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research16(4), 417-432.

4.   Wu, J., Zhou, Z., Liang, L., & Lam, K. F.   B. (2011). Performance and benchmarks of participating nations in Beijing   Olympics using the DEA approach. International   Journal of Society Systems Science3(1-2), 185-201.

5.   Wu, J.,   Tsai, H., & Zhou, Z. (2011).   Improving efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei using a   non‐radial DEA model. International   Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

6.   Wu, J.,   Yan, H., Zhou, Z., & Liang, L.   (2012). A DEA model for efficiency evaluation with undesirable output: an   application of paper mills along Huai River. International Journal of Sustainable Society4(1-2), 194-207.

7.   Wu, J., Zhou, Z., & Tsai, H. (2012).   Measuring and decomposing efficiency in international tourist hotels in Taipei   using a multidivision DEA model. International   journal of hospitality & tourism administration13(4), 259-280.

8.   Jia, Z., Zhou, Z*., Wu, J., & Chen, Z.   (2013). A unified DEA approach for evaluating congestion: a case of hotels in   Taipei. International Journal   of Information and Decision Sciences5(1), 86-102.

9.   Zhu, W.,   & Zhou, Z*. (2013). Interval   efficiency of two-stage network DEA model with imprecise data. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational   Research51(3),   142-150.

10.  Huang,   X., Hu, D., & Zhou, Z*.   (2013). Measuring efficiency in Chinese commercial banks using a DEA model   with undesirable output. International   Journal of Information and Decision Sciences5(2), 140-153.

11.  Zhou, Z., & Wu, J. (2014). Applying a peer-restricted   Cross-efficiency approach to measuring the performance of International   Tourist hotels in Taipei. Journal   of Hospitality Marketing & Management23(2), 157-177.

12.  Wu, J.,   & Zhou, Z. (2014).   Environmental efficiency of Chinese paper mills along Huai River: a Data   Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based study. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ)13(5).

13. Yang, J.,   Li, X., & Zhou, Z. (2014). A   CROSS-EFFICIENCY DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS (DEA) BASED MODEL FOR MEASURING   ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE. Environmental   Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ)13(5).

14.  Wu, J.,   & Zhou, Z. (2015). A   mixed-objective integer DEA model. Annals of Operations Research228(1), 81-95.

15.  Zhou, Z., Amowine, N., & Huang, D. (2018). Quantitative   efficiency assessment based on the dynamic slack-based network data   envelopment analysis for commercial banks in Ghana. South African Journal of Economic and   Management Sciences21(1),   1-11.

16. Wu, J.,   Yang, J., & Zhou, Z*. (2018).   How does environmental regulation affect environmental performance? A case   study of China's regional energy efficiency. Expert Systems, e12326.

17. Zhou, Z., Guo, X., Wu, H., & Yu, J. (2018). Evaluating air   quality in China based on daily data: Application of integer data envelopment   analysis. Journal of cleaner   production198,   304-311.

18. Zhou, Z., Wu, H., & Song, P. (2019). Measuring the resource and   environmental efficiency of industrial water consumption in China: A   non-radial directional distance function. Journal of CleanerProduction240, 118169.

19. Wu, J.,   Wang, C., & Zhou, Z*. (2019).   Industrial pollutant treatment efficiency considering environmental   factors. Journal of Modelling   in Management.

20. Wu, J.,   Zhang, W., & Zhou, Z*. (2019).   Construction resource allocation for industrial solid waste treatment centers   in cities of Anhui Province, China. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.

21. Ding, T.,   Zhou, Z*., Dai, Q., & Liang,   L. (2019). Analysis of China’s Regional Economic Environmental Performance: A   Non-radial Multi-objective DEA Approach. Computational Economics, 1-23.

22. Wu, J.,   Huang, D., Zhou, Z.*, & Zhu,   Q. (2019). The regional green growth and sustainable development of China in   the presence of sustainable resources recovered from pollutions. Annals of Operations Research,   1-19.

23.  Wang, Y.,   Xu, G., Zhang, W., & Zhou, Z.   (2019). Location Analysis of Earthquake Relief Warehouses: Evaluating the   Efficiency of Location Combinations by DEA. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1-13.

24. Ding, T.,   Wu, H., Dai, Q., Zhou, Z., &   Tan, C. (2019). Environmental efficiency analysis of urban agglomerations in   China: A non-parametric meta-frontier approach. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1-16.

25. Wang, Y.,   Yang, Y., Zhou, Z., & Wu, H.   (2019). Compatibility between Commercial Performance and Agricultural   Services: Evidence from Anhui Rural Credit Cooperatives. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,   1-12.

26. Amowine,   N., Ma, Z., Li, M., Zhou, Z.,   Azembila Asunka, B., & Amowine, J. (2019). Energy Efficiency Improvement   Assessment in Africa: An Integrated Dynamic DEA Approach. Energies12(20), 3915.

27. Wu, J.,   Li, M., Zhu, Q., Zhou, Z., &   Liang, L. (2019). Energy and environmental efficiency measurement of China's   industrial sectors: A DEA model with non-homogeneous inputs and outputs. Energy Economics78, 468-480.

28.Zhou, Z., Xu, G., Wang, C., & Wu, J. (2019). Modeling   undesirable output with a DEA approach based on an exponential   transformation: An application to measure the energy efficiency of Chinese   industry. Journal of Cleaner   Production236,   117717.

29.Zhang,   J., Wu, Q., & Zhou, Z.*   (2019). A two-stage DEA model for resource allocation in industrial pollution   treatment and its application in China. Journal of cleaner production228, 29-39.

30.Zhou, Z., Wu, H., Ding, T., & Xia, Q. (2019). Nonradial   Directional Distance Function for Measuring the Environmental Efficiency of   the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry. Tropical Conservation Science12, 1940082919853755.

31.Zhou, Z.,   Chen, Y., Song, P., & Ding, T. (2020).   China's urban air quality evaluation with streaming data: A DEA window   analysis. Science of The Total   Environment, 138213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138213

32. Wang, M.,   Chen, Y., & Zhou, Z.* (2020).   A Novel Stochastic Two-Stage DEA Model for Evaluating Industrial Production   and Waste Gas Treatment Systems. Sustainability12(6), 2316.

33. Chen, Y.,   Xu, W., Zhou, Q., & Zhou, Z.*   (2020). Total Factor Energy Efficiency, Carbon Emission Efficiency and   Technology Gap: Evidence from Sub-Industries of Anhui Province in   China. Sustainability12(4), 1402.

34. Wu, J.,   Zhang, G., Zhu, Q., & Zhou, Z.*   (2020). An efficiency analysis of higher education institutions in China from   a regional perspective considering the external environmental impact. Scientometrics122(1), 57-70.

35. Xu,   Guangcheng; Zhou, Zhixiang2020.Assessing   the efficiency of financial supply chain for Chinese commercial banks a   two-stage AR-DEA model. Industrial Management & Data Systems,   ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

36. Wang,   Lei; Zhou, Zhixiang; Yang, Yang; Wu, Jie* (2020). Green   efficiency evaluation and improvement of Chinese ports: A cross-efficiency   model, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and   Environment, 880-102590.

37. Liu,   Hongwei; Yang, Ronglu; Zhou, Zhixiang*; Huang, Dacheng; Regional Green   Eco-Efficiency in China: Considering Energy Saving, Pollution Treatment, and   External Environmental HeterogeneitySustainability,   2020, 12(17)0-7059. SCIE,   SSCI.

38. Song,   Pingfan; Chen, Yunzhi; Zhou, Zhixiang; Wu, Huaqing*; Performance   Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Online Lending Platforms in ChinaSustainability,   2018, 10(9)0-2987. SCIE,   SSCI.






