16、谭常春、操毅文、叶五一,基于Expectile-based VaR 变点检测的金融传染分析,数理统计与管理,待发表
15、TAN Changchun、SHI Xiaoping、SUN Xiaoying、WU Yuehua,On nonparametric change point estimator based on empirical characteristic functions,SCIENCE CHINA-Mathematics(中国科学),2016,59:2463-2484(SCI)
14、Cuiling. Dong、 Changchun. Tan*、Baisuo. Jin、Baiqi. Miao,Inference on the change point of variance in measurement errors models,Lithuanian Mathematical Journal,2016,56:474-491(SCI)
12、C. Dong, B. Miao,C. Tan, D. Wei, Y. Wu,An estimate of a change point in variance of measurement errors andits convergence rate,Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,2015,44(4):790-797(SCI)
10、Jin Baisuo,Dong Cuiling,Tan Changchun*,Miao Baiqi,Estimator of a change point in single index models,SCIENCE CHINA:Mathematics(中国科学),2014,57( 8): 1701-1712(SCI)
9、Chang-chun Tan,Bai-qiMiao,Xing-caiZhou,Statistical inference for the shape parameter change-pointestimator in negative associated gamma distribution,Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2013, doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-161(SCI)
8、Changchun Tan,Cuiling Dong, Baiqi Miao,Yuehua Wu,A self-normalization test for a change-point in the shapeparameter of a gamma distributed sequence, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society,2013,42(3):359–369(SCI)
6、谭常春、谭景宝、朱华亮,城市火灾次数与气象因素的Adaptive-Lasso分析,应用数学与计算数学学报, 2013, 27:408-414
5、Changchun TAN, Huifang LIU,Baiqi MIAO, Asymptotic Distribution of the Jump Change-Point Estimator,Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B,2012,33B(3):429-436(SCI)
3、谭常春、朱华亮、缪柏其,局部对立下跳跃度变点估计的Op收敛速度,系统科学与数学,2012,32(7): 893-400
1、Xing-cai Zhou,Chang-chunTan*,Jin-guan Lin,On the Strong Laws for Weighted Sums of ρ-Mixing Random Variables,Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2011,Article ID 157816, 8 pages(SCI)